Wondering About Education: Nauset Regional High School Principal's Blog

Happy Friday Episodes

Aspirational goals give us permission to dream big, reach far, and challenge ourselves because they are not limited by a defined path for achievement. Aspirational goals include the challenge of finding the way for ourselves. The grand canyon was created by running water. Aspirational goals present the possibility of humans creating a future that is just as extraordinary.  

Taoism advocates for us to be like the uncarved block. In other words: to be ourselves, to look inward for our identity, to not allow ourselves to be carved into something or someone we are not. The idea is that we each bring a unique self into the world, and that only by being true to ourselves and aspiring to find our own way can we realize our potential. 

Reflecting on how education has been impacted since that day in March of 2020 when schools changed forever, it seems our WEI – “W”  “E”  “I”  forward will call for attention to three aspirational goals: we will need to prioritize Wellness, we will need to develop the habit of being fully present in all that we do so we can experience the focus and results that come from uncompromised Engagement, and we will need to examine our systems, habits and routines to ensure they are Inclusive. Practicing Wellness through self-care and Engagement through disciplined presence will enable us to live inclusively – combining our different selves like threads into a complex and beautiful tapestry. A commitment to inclusion will also enable us to see each other for who we truly are, and to resist the temptation to judge each other based on who we think others should be or who others appear to be to us at first glance.

We see the power of such acceptance in the story of the crooked tree. Once upon a time there was a crooked tree. Many saw the tree as useless because it was not fit to be lumber. However, there was another way to see the tree. While useless for lumber, its crookedness made it the perfect shade tree.The magic of such a paradigm shift is the ability to see things and people for what and who they are by their very nature. 

Education provides students with the opportunity to discover their value and to make their own way. This is why choice, diversity, and inclusion are essential elements of any educational design.

This year has proven we are an extraordinary school capable of providing quality education regardless of the circumstances. 

Lesson we have learned:

  • When we trust and respect each other, we produce our best work – Healthy relationships are the foundation for extraordinary growth
  • Physical health, well-being, and academic success are inextricably linked – When we are well we do well.
  • Our most complex problems call for an inclusive and collaborative response – Diversity is a necessary condition for breakthrough success.
  • Physical, mental and emotional presence are essential conditions for learning. Learning requires uncompromised presence.

Our WEI – “W” “E” “I” forward toward a shared vision of a school community that nurtures wellness, expects engagement, and embraces inclusion will be realized through the three habits of Wellness, Engagement and Inclusion:

  • The habit of Wellness will remind us daily that “we must be well in order to do well”
  • The habit of Engagement will help us each model that“success begins with being fully present”
  • The habit of Inclusion will demonstrate each day the ways “combined differences allow for extraordinary growth”

To our Students, Faculty and Staff:

I hope this summer you each have the opportunity to reflect and prepare for next year by practicing this WEI of Wellness, Engagement and Inclusion. 

To nurture wellness, I hope you can practice self care.  To experience engagement, I hope you can be fully present with whatever you do no matter how small or grand the task. To embrace inclusion, I hope you can surround yourself with people who see and experience the world differently from you. 

Thank you, happy summer, and peace to you all.


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