Wondering About Education: Nauset Regional High School Principal's Blog

Happy Friday Episodes

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The feeling of a solid chair,
Four legs anchored  squarely,
Back slightly arched,
Seat grooved, 
A smooth and even amber finish. 

The desk handed down,
Room for odds and ends,
Picture framed,
Gifted pen,
A childhood cup – pencil-filled.

The window framing that tree
Black-fingered branches against a purple sky. 
A lamp with the kind of bulb you like
More orange than white light. 

These are the things a learning space calls for. 

Where you learn influences How, What, Why and When you learn.

Space speaks to us about the work we do. A clean well-lighted space tells us our learning is important enough to continue after night falls. Walls painted and decorated with framed images give the feeling of a space set apart from the routine work of everyday life. A door shows the work is important enough for privacy. Nick knacks tell our history.

What need is there of a view to learn, or hangings on the wall, or a comfortable chair? Learning is work of the mind. Why give attention to the body? Doesn’t a view distract? Couldn’t a chair be too comfortable? Aren’t personal items a distraction? Doesn’t a soft light limit focus? No.  I reply to all of these questions. Enveloped learning thrives like a seed planted intentionally. 

A view expands imagination. A comfortable chair focuses attention. Personal items shape a unique perspective. A soft light pulls us to the page. Our space, the furniture and our things personalize our learning, allow us to express ourselves, and give us what we need to burn the midnight oil.

The outermost nature of our home shapes the living that washes over us. Like our land we reach beyond, we reshape ourselves, we forever rise and fall – rejuvenating while rebuilding. We are in constant motion. We do not settle. We live attuned to the tides.

As we look with hope and excitement toward new and renovated learning spaces at the high school. We are grateful for the opportunity to create a space designed for learning and teaching driven by research, informed by practice, and refined by our knowledge of our students. Does education make the difference? Do the spaces we learn in matter? Will our students change the world for the better? Yes to each question.

Now back to work we go, eyes on the future with visions of clean and well lit spaces for generations to come. 



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