Wondering About Education: Nauset Regional High School Principal's Blog

Happy Friday Episodes

Race Point Beach, Provincetown, MA | Race point beach, Beach town,  Provincetown

My mother calls them “Blue Green Days.”  They are the days when our Cape Cod light makes our sky the deepest blue and our grass the deepest green. They are the days when the winds are calm, when you can smell the salt water, and when the world seems on pause – calling for us to take a long walk and feel the warmth of the sun. They are the days when people smile when no one is around.

One of the many lessons to be learned from school is how to “comeback” when things are not going your way. When a grade is not what you hoped for. When a project is just not going as you imagined. When a loved one is in pain. When a relationship has become bumpy. When your team is down in the first period and you seem outmatched.

We all need to develop our capacity to be the “comeback kid” in our own lives. We cannot rely on“Blue Green” days for our happiness. When we are behind we need to be able to take a moment, identify the cause of our setback, consider our talents, and strategize to find a way to overcome the deficit.”

Sometimes you have to make your own “Blue Green.” We are all experiencing a tough patch – no doubt. Now is the time to circle up with each other, to dig in to what we know works, and to imagine ourselves clearly coming out on the other side.  Our collective determination to come back will be infectious in a good way. Through our efforts we can influence others, we can believe in our friends, we can support them on their tough days, and know that in return they will reach out to us during ours.

We will be gifted some Blue Green” days when our Cape Cod will lift us all up with sunshine and crystal clear air. It is on the other days that we will need to create our own energy and summon our own strength to see things positively in spite of what is immediately before us.

I hope everyone has some time this weekend to think about how they might be able to contribute in the coming months to our comeback as a community. How can we stay strong? How can we help others? How can we shine light? 



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